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- ;$VER: Image Descriptor TEXT Documentation 2.2 (02.08.2000)
- :: : Welcome to Image Descriptor 2 : ::
- this is ASCI TXT Documentation v2.2
- date: 02.08.2000
- Table of contents:
- introduction
- disclaimer
- copyrights
- requirements
- distribution
- installation
- usage
- want to help me ?
- misc infos
- author
- This documentation is
- Copyrighted © 2000 by Tomasz Malerczyk.
- ------------
- Image Descriptor 2 is small program with you can
- add your own description to images.
- It supports Amiga IFF-ILBM images, and image formats
- used on World Wide Web: GIF (still and animated), PNG, JPEG
- Few additional features:
- - MUI user interface
- - removes any description already present in images
- - edit, change already present description (if any found)
- and write it back to image
- - descripting all directories
- (you can select whole directory content and program
- will detect and load only supported images)
- - file comment support (user specified text, image based info
- or it may clean up already present file comment)
- - shows to user few image informations (resolution, depth etc.)
- - datatypes not needed for loading and saving images
- (so it should work with OS lower than 3.0)
- - viewing images with datatypes or external viewer
- - OpenURL library support (if installed) you can call Web Browser
- to visit Web Site or e-mail author at any time
- - its very easy and its FREE!
- ----------
- The program Image Descriptor 2 is distributed "as is"
- and the author will not be responsible for any
- damage on either you, your computer or any data.
- This program is used entirely on YOUR own risk.
- ----------
- Image Descriptor 2 and this manual is
- Copyrighted © 2000 by Tomasz Malerczyk.
- MUI is Coprighted by Stefan Stuntz.
- Asm-Pro by Genetic.
- MUI Builder by Eric Totel.
- OpenUrl library by Troels Walsted Hansen.
- BetterString.mcc by Allan Odgaard
- Image Descriptor 2 Web Site is hosted by
- http://www.promail.pl
- (free www and e-mail acounts)
- Image Descriptor 2 Web Site is powered by
- http://www.prv.pl
- (free www and e-mail aliases)
- ------------
- Image Descriptor 2 is designed to work in
- Hires Interlaced (640x512) resolution
- or higher, but it should work in lower
- resolutions too.
- Screenmode with 256 colors or more is also
- good idea. But it is not required, ID 2 will
- work on any screen depth.
- (for datatype viewing 256 or more colors
- mode is sugested).
- Image Descriptor 2 should not be launched
- from CLI if stack size is lower than 8192 bytes.
- Image Descriptor 2 requires:
- - Magic User Interface (MUI) 3.8 or higher
- - asl.library
- - AmigaOS (should run on OS 2.0 or higher,
- but not tested on OS 3.5)
- - some free memory
- - some images ...
- If Image Descriptor 2 is unable to locate any of
- above (except images) or there is not enough memory
- it will exits silently without any message.
- Please remember that ...
- Used but not required:
- - more free memory (for big images)
- - hard disk
- - openurl.library (Web Browser and E-mail client)
- - BetterString.mcc
- - Dtpic.mui
- - datatypes (ILBM,GIF,JPEG,PNG)
- - image viewer
- ------------
- Image Descriptor 2 is released as Mailware.
- It may be used, copied and spread as long as you want
- without taking any charge for it but you must send
- mail to author.
- ------------
- Very easy! Just clik on Install icon and install
- script do all work.
- You can uninstall it anytime using install script again.
- Since verison 2.1, Installer will show you what version
- is currently installed and what version you are about
- to install. You can then install new version , uninstall
- previous or uninstall and install in one step.
- Note, that Install do NOT check version, it only
- show version number stored by previous Installer script.
- Decisions are up to you, so read carefuly what Installer
- says to you.
- You can ofcourse execute Installer script for that same
- version, it is very comfortable way to move ID 2 files
- from one place to another (uninstall and install)
- still having possibility to automatically uninstall them
- by Install script.
- Note for Image Descriptor 1 (which is obsolete !) users:
- it have more bugs than W!ndoze (if its possible).
- And second, you must remove it manualy, this Install script
- will not do that.
- -----
- How to use Image Descriptor 2.
- First of all you must know that ID 2 can work in two
- modes which are a little diffirent.
- First mode (called SingleFile) is standard mode
- and it means that ONE image is loaded into memory
- and ID2 is operating on that image.
- You can add any description, view info or show
- that image and then save it.
- Second mode (called MultiFile) is enblad when you
- select MORE than one file from file requester.
- ID 2 will then remember all file names you`ve selected.
- When ID 2 is working in MultiFile mode you can`t
- view image info or show image becouse there are
- too much images and that images are not in memory.
- So what you can?
- You can add description to that images.
- After that you can save that images.
- ID 2 will load, describe and save all images one by one
- depending on image format you`ve selected. (explained below)
- To do all this stuff look at ID 2 window which consist
- of five pages: FILE, NOTE, INFO, VIEW, ABOUT.
- The first page is ...
- File page
- First group on that page is File info which consist of
- NAME, TYPE and SIZE labels.
- (SingleFile) name of image loaded into memory
- (MulitFile) "MultiFile Mode" when working in
- (SingleFile) type of loaded image
- (MultiFile) word "MULTI"
- (SingleFile) size od loaded image in bytes
- (MultiFile) number of selected images
- Next group is only available when working in
- MultiFile mode.
- You can select here which image format will
- be accepted when loading and saving images.
- You can select whole directory content not
- matter that there are images, binary files
- or text files. ID 2 will check all files
- and load only that you choose here.
- This selection is ignored when ID 2 cleans images
- Next is File Comment group. Here you can make
- some selections for file comment operations.
- That options are checked only when ID 2 saving images
- except CLEAN UP which is also checked when ID 2 cleans
- images
- There are four choices.
- file comment will not be changed for existing
- files and will not be added for new files
- file comment will be created from image info
- and will look like this example:
- ILBM - 00640 x 00512 - 256
- which means that it is ILBM image with
- resolution 640 x 512 and 256 colors
- an additional string gadget will be enable
- and you can type you own text
- any existing file comment will be erased
- That options are valid for both SingleFile and
- MultiFile mode.
- And finally there are four buttons.
- when you click it a file requester will show up
- and you can selected one or more files
- on right side of "Open" word on this button
- is standard MUI PopUp image, when you click
- it additional button will popup below Open
- button which contains path of last save dir.
- this path is stored in file called "lastdir"
- in "ENV:ImageDescriptor" and is created
- after first use of Save button and is loaded
- only when ID 2 starts.
- if ID 2 is in MultiFile it swith itself to
- SingleFile mode asking you before that.
- if image appears to corrupted or is not
- recognized ID 2 will tell you about that
- if there is not enough memory to load image
- ID 2 will tell you about that
- second button allow you to paste image from
- clipboard. it is very useful when you just
- painted some image and you want to save it
- as brush. now you can just copy this brush to
- clipboard and paste it directly to ID 2,
- describe it and save to disk.
- only thing you must know is that system
- stores images in clipboard in ILBM format
- so you can save it only in this format
- from ID 2
- default name for that image is "Clipboard.iff"
- if ID 2 is in MultiFile it swith itself to
- SingleFile mode asking you before that.
- if image appears to corrupted or clipboard
- not contains image ID 2 will tell you about that
- if there is not enough memory to load image
- ID 2 will disable all pages just like no image
- is loaded
- with this button you may save images to disk.
- this button is disabled as long as you type
- something on Note page (see below)
- (SingleFile) a file requester will show up
- and you can select dir and filename
- if file already exists you may choose
- if you want to overwrite it or not
- if for some reason ID 2 will be unable to
- save image it will tell you about that
- (MultiFile) a file requester will show up
- and you can select only dir
- then all images will be saved into that dir
- if files already exists you may choose
- if you want to overwrite it or not
- if for some reason ID 2 will be unable to
- load or save images it will tell you about that
- When image is saved ID 2 checks File Comment
- options and file comment is added or not
- (both for SingleFile and MultiFile modes)
- file comment errors are not checked
- this works like save except:
- - all descriptions all removed
- - file comment is cleared if CLEAN UP is
- selected in File Comment options
- otherwise file comment is not changed
- error handling is identical to save
- For all file operations a window is opened
- with progress bar and main window is frozen
- (in case you have weird ideas :-)
- (MultiFile) additional for MultiFile mode an Abort
- button is available allowing you to cancel load/save
- process in any moment
- Note page
- This is second page. Its content depends on image type
- you loaded or selected via cycle gadget on File page.
- there are four string gadgets available
- Title, Author, Copyrights, Annotation
- you can edit any of them or all
- empty gadgets are ignored when saving
- you must type a least one letter to enable
- Save button
- all string are limited to 256 characters for now
- (even if PNG and ILBM image format can handle
- up to 16 milions of characters, JPEG 65535 characters
- and GIF unlimited blocks of 256 characters)
- you don`t need to press Enter at end of typing
- by pressing Tab you can go to next string gadget
- PNG:
- there are five string gadgets available
- Title, Author, Copyrights, Comment, Software
- but you can edit only four of them
- Software gadget is read only
- rest is the same as for ILBM
- GIF:
- there is only Comment string gadget available
- rest is the same as for ILBM
- there is also one string gadget available
- rest is the same as for ILBM
- If you have BetterString.mcc class installed ID 2
- will automatically make use of it.
- You can use Copy/Paste features of this class.
- Otherwise standard String class will be used.
- Info page
- On this page you can read some informations about
- loaded image. Most of that infos are the same for
- diffirent image type but few of them are specifc
- to image type.
- Few hints ...
- for GIF:
- - if it`s GIF 89a and Application extension
- is NETSCAPE2.0 you may be sure that it`s
- animated GIF
- - GIF 87a can`t be descibed so ID 2 will
- write it as GIF 89a
- for ILBM:
- - if image size is smaller than screen size
- it`s propably brush
- - Amiga interlace has nothing to do with
- GIF interlace (called also progressive)
- for JPEG:
- - if number of colors equal to 256 that you
- may be sure that this is greyscaled image
- - JFIF extension segment is only valid for
- version 1.02 and it contains thumbnail
- - even version 1.01 can have thumbnail
- without JFIF extension segment
- ID 2 tell you its size if it find thumbnail
- for PNG:
- - PNG is designed to replace GIF
- - it can provide many infos not available
- for above image format like Chromma and
- Gamma infos
- This page is not available in MultiFile mode.
- View page
- For your enjoyment ID 2 provide View option.
- If you are lucky owner of AmigaOS 3.0 or higher
- ID 2 will make use of datatype system available
- on that systems (if you have Dtpic.mui class
- installed which is part of MUI 3.8)
- Just click View button and wait untill datatypes
- are done with image.
- If an empty window popup it means:
- - there is not enough memory
- - image is in High or True color, you have 8 bit
- screenmode and you datatypes are unable
- to load 24 bit images
- in that case try to install diffirent datatypes
- (try use that which comes with Picasso96 software)
- - or aliens erases that image before datatypes
- load it
- Datatypes loads images from disk. If you load image
- into memory with ID 2 datatypes still needs that image
- on disk.
- As far i know only OS3.5 datatypes are able to
- access image stored in memory, but either MUI and
- ID 2 doesn`t support OS 3.5 datatypes.
- MUI becouse it was written before OS 3.5 and
- ID 2 becouse it uses MUI.
- Dtpic.mui is required becouse standard Image class
- has bug and "forgets" to unlock file after using it.
- If datatypes are not available ID 2 should disable
- View button.
- If you arent lucky you don`t need to worry.
- ID 2 can show you image using external viewer.
- To do that you need external viewer (like Visage
- or ViewTek). Click Select button and file requester
- will popup, you can then select your viewer.
- ID 2 will call it with image full path as parameter.
- Example:
- You loaded "Myphoto.jpg" from "Work:pictures"
- and you selected "Visage" as you viewer which is
- located in "System:tools".
- ID 2 will execute following AmigaDOS command:
- "System:tools/Visage" "Work:pictures/Myphoto.jpg"
- This page is not available in MultiFile mode and
- in SingleFile mode if image was pasted from clipboard
- (maybe next version will be able to view image even
- if it`s pasted from clipboard via iffparse.library
- and datatypes system)
- About page
- This page is not very useful itself but you can
- read here how to contact with me.
- Also you can check what version of ID 2 you have.
- And last at the bottom of this page is placed
- internet adress together with e-mail adress.
- If you click one of them ID 2 will call openurl.library
- and if it`s installed a Web Browser or Email Client
- will be launched.
- ID 2 automatically sets Subject for e-mail to version number.
- It`s done for two purposes:
- - i know what version of ID you have
- - i can count how many peoples writes e-mail to
- me directly from program and how many via Web Site
- -----------------
- You may ask "how can i help ?", the answer is ...
- If you have image that you can`t load with ID 2 or can`t
- save it or can save it but can`t display it later or
- (i hope not) image that make ID 2 freeze and you are
- sure that this image is viewable with other software
- please send it to me.
- Also, if you have JPEG image with thumbnail inside
- (version 1.01 not 1.02) please send it to me.
- You can check if thumbnail is inside by checking
- 18 and 19 byte of image. If they are diffirent than
- ZERO you may be sure that there is thumbnail.
- ------
- If you want more infos or only say how
- beatiful is this program and how much
- you like it :-) ...
- Feel free to write to:
- Tomasz Malerczyk
- ul.Szczesliwa 10/3
- 41-506 Chorzow
- Poland
- or e-mail: feedback@imagedescriptor.prv.pl
- IRC Nickname: Vepar (on IRCNet)
- internet: http://www.imagedescriptor.prv.pl/
- Any suggestions are welcome together with bug reports.
- Especially MC68030 and above users with Enforcer like
- software installed.
- ---------------
- ID2 - Image Descriptor 2
- IFF-ILBM - Interchange File Format InterLeaved BitMap
- GIF - Graphics Interchamge Format
- PNG - Portable Network Graphics
- JPEG-JFIF - JPEG File Interchange Format